Digitalis lanata is also known as Grecian Foxglove, Wooly Thimble, and White Thimble. The plant is a biennial or short-lived perennial that grows to 3 feet tall.
The woolly foxglove (Digitalis lanata) grows in dry grassy and stony places, in bushes and sparse forests. Occurs up to 1000 m above sea level individually or in groups.
Prefers the southern and warm slopes of the foothills with higher atmospheric humidity.
Digitalis lanata produces long racemes of orchidlike flowers that are white with bronze, yellow or purplish tinted marks on a dark green foiage.
Digitalis lanata gets its name due to the texture of the leaves.
Flowering occurs in the summer. The flowers are pollinated primarily by bees, after which seed-containing oval pods are produced.
Extracts from the leaves of the plant are toxic and should not be taken without medical supervision.
There are many healing properties of Digitalis lanata:
- Helps with heart disease and acute heart failure.
- Treats and eliminates circulatory problems.
- It is effective in hypertension.
- Foxglove, unlike many other herbs, does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.
- It can calm shortness of breath, lead to a normal heart rate and normalize the general condition of the body. With this herb the healing process can be accelerated.
- In South America the powdered leaves are used to relieve asthma, as sedatives, and as diuretics.
In India Digitalis lanata is included in an ointment that contains digitalis glycosides used to treat wounds and burns.
Digitalis lanata, like some other foxglove species, is toxic in all parts of the plant.